The Most Common Conditions You Can Treat with Hydrotherapy Swim Spas

The befits of home swim spa goes beyond the ability to relax, swim and exercise. For thousands of years, people have used the power of hot water as a treatment for a range of health conditions. Regardless of your age, hydrotherapy can help you manage certain health conditions thus improve your well-being and overall health. Apart from allowing you to enjoy the hot water and relax, taking your time into hydrotherapy swim spa will help you recover, heal and rehabilitate from a range of conditions including the following.
Swim Spa Pool Treatment

Arthritis and fibromyalgia

Both of these conditions are considered as rheumatic because the soft tissues or joints are impaired thus creating chronic pain. One of the ways to manage the pain is to relax muscles, joints and tendons. The warm water in the swim spa will help you minimize both stress and stiffness. Due to the weightlessness of the body in water, there will be less pressure on your joints thus no additional pain. Moreover, hydrotherapy swim spa comes with different speed settings allowing people with different ability levels to achieve success. From the frailest patient to the strongest athlete, the water can either support or challenge the user. When looking to buy a swim spa look for one that has multiple current speed settings. The more settings the closer you can customize to your needs.

Parkinson's disease


Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system and sometimes the usual exercises are not enough for managing this condition. Because of this, hydrotherapy became more and more popular method for rehabilitation at physical therapy clinics. The good thing about swim spas is that you can enjoy this therapy in the comfort of your home. The hot water supports the entire body making it easier to balance while you are doing the exercises. It also loosens muscles and joints and a variable current allows anyone to complete more intense workouts or simple exercises, depending on the individual condition and needs.

Neuromuscular conditions

In the range of these conditions come many other like multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. Treatments used for these conditions are focused on improving symptoms and mobility as well as lengthening life. How hot water in the swim spa can help? Due to the buoyancy of the water, people with these conditions will fell easier to move, minimal joint stress and pain. Thanks to this relieve, people feel more motivated and confident to exercise often and reduce symptoms like pain, muscle spasms and week muscles, joint range of motions, impaired coordination and poor balance. Depending on the model, some home swim spas come with chair lifts or built-in stairs to make getting in and out easier.

Chronic pain

Acoustic Therapy

There is a difference between acute and chronic pain. The first one is a sharp pain that alerts the body of an injury or disease and mostly goes away once the cause has been treated. On the other hand, chronic pain remains even after the injury is treated and can stay for years. A home pool can help you to combat symptoms and bring relief even when the case of the pain is not clear. For someone who is dealing with chronic pain, aquatic therapy is real stress-relieving experience. With less pain, it will be easier for you to complete recovery, rehab and daily exercise routines.

Recovery and rehabilitation

Hydrotherapy Treatment

Without a doubt, hydrotherapy is one of the most popular treatments for on-going medical conditions and injuries. It perfect for anyone from senior living centres to elite sports teams. So whether you are going through knee surgery rehab or you are recovering from an injury, water therapy will bring some amazing results for you. It is even better compared to other treatments as it allows you to maintain fitness while you are regaining your health.


Do you need a pool that will fit and meet the needs of your entire family? If you do, then swim spa pool is the perfect option for you because they can fit any room inside and outside your home. They offer fun for any member, adults, kids and grandparents alike and they require less maintenance. Teaching your little ones for the befits of exercise and health is important. Also, having such a pool in your home will help you, children, to learn how to swim from their youngest ages, relax, floating in the water.

Senior health and well-being

There is no denying that swim spas can be a perfect treatment for many different conditions. They also do wonders for seniors who want to increase their well-being, health and fitness. Spas can help this group of people by improving their mental health, help them to boost the health of their heart, strengthening bones, increase the strength of their muscles, boost flexibility, reach a healthy weight and more.

Regardless of your age, training and swimming in a home spa will provide you with so many benefits aside from helping you to recover from surgery. These units make it easy to keep up with aquatic exercises in the safe environment of your own home.
